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Bike Central Rotorua Weather

This 5km (3-mile) duel-use trail winds through native bush and is rich in history. The trail is named after the Maori tohunga (priest) who predicted the 1886 Mt Tarawera eruption. To get to this epic bike trail, either Location: 5km (3 miles) from Rotorua city centre. Either pay for a shuttle from The Redwoods Visitor Centre or ride from the visitor centre car park via Moerangi Road and turning into Tawa Road. © Destination Rotorua 3. Western Okataina (Grade 3) Mix mountain biking and stunning lake views on this 19. 1km (12-mile) trails through the Lake Okataina Scenic Reserve. The trail can be ridden in either direction with plenty of ups, straights to catch your breath, and exhilarating downhills. Be aware that this is a shared trail with walkers. Location: 14km (9 miles) from Rotorua city centre. Car park at Millar Road, Lake Okareka. © Janko Luin on Flickr 4. Te Ara Ahi (Grade 3) For a longer scenic bike trail to Rotorua, try the Te Ara Ahi (thermal by bike). This 48km (30-mile) ride starts from Rotorua city centre, taking you through a geothermal field with bubbling mud and geysers.

The Weather Channel

A mountain biker's heaven with world-class tracks, Rotorua is an international mountain biking destination and hosts a range of national and world mountain biking championships, downhill and endurance events, including Crankworx. Biking is a natural part of life in Rotorua whether you're exploring the region on a push bike; racing round the central city BMX track - rated one of the biggest and best in the country; training or competing on a road cycle; or mountain biking on the world-class trails such as Whakarewarewa Forest, Rainbow Mountain and Skyline Gravity Park.

The trail is part of the National Cycle Trail and is shared with walkers. The trail can also be linked with the Rainbow Mountain MTB Loop (see below) for a full-days' adventure. The trail ends at the Waikite Hot Pools giving you the opportunity for a well-deserved soak. Location: Rotorua city centre. Starts at the arches opposite the Princes Gate Hotel and ends at the Waikite Hot Pools, Waitike Valley Road (36km/22 miles from Rotura city centre). © 5. Rainbow Mountain MTB Loop (Grade 2-4) There are three mountain bike tracks that link together to make a 7km/4-mile loop at Rainbow Mountain. Te Tihi o Ruru (grade 4) is a challenging uphill track to the summit of Rainbow Mountain (Maungakakaramea) with epic panoramic views. From the top, enjoy a thrilling downhill blast on the Te Ranga (grade 4) leading to Kerosene Creek, a natural hot spring (more details on Kerosene Creek here). The final traverse to the bottom is on the Te Ara Ahi (grade 2 – see above) for the final 2. 6km (1. 6 miles) of the loop.

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July 20, 2021