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Weather Norwalk Ct Water Temp

  1. Current water temperature in East Norwalk, by month
  2. East Norwalk Weather Forecast
  3. Yr - Norwalk - Weather forecast
  4. Weather norwalk ct water temple
  5. Weather norwalk ct water tempsreel

5°F The best month for swimming (with the highest average sea temperature) is August (73°F). The coldest month (with the lowest average sea temperature) is February (39°F). [Resources] Average daylight in January / Average sunshine in January Norwalk, CT Average daylight in January: 9. 6h The month with the longest days is June (Average daylight: 15. 1h). The month with the shortest days is December (Average daylight: 9. 3h). Average sunshine in January: 5. 1h The month with the most sunshine is July (Average sunshine: 10. 5h). The month with the least sunshine is February (Average sunshine: 4. 7h). [Resources] Average sunshine days in January Norwalk, CT Average sunshine days in January: 17. 8 days The month with the most sunshine days is January (17. 8 days). The month with the least sunshine days is June (10 days). [Resources] Average UV index in January Norwalk, CT Average UV index in January: 2 Months with the highest UV index are June, July and August (UV index 6). Months with the lowest UV index are January, February, March, November and December (UV index 2).

Current water temperature in East Norwalk, by month

weather norwalk ct water tempo
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  6. Weather norwalk ct water temple

East Norwalk Weather Forecast

5°F (5. 3°C). Note: Swimming in 41. 3°C) is considered dangerous. Unprotected immersion in temperatures below 50°F (10°C) causes quickly maximum intensity cold shock with hyperventilation. Daylight The average length of the day in Norwalk is 9. 6h. Sunshine In Norwalk, the average sunshine is 5. 1h. UV index Months with the lowest UV index in Norwalk are January through March, November and December, with an average maximum UV index of 2. A UV Index of 2, and less, symbolizes a low threat to health from unprotected exposure to the Sun's UV rays for average individuals. Note: The average daily UV index of 2 in January transform into the following instructions: For the majority, extended sun exposure is not of great concern. Infants and people with sensitive skin must always be protected. The solar radiation is most powerful near the mid-day, so the exposure to the direct Sun should be reduced accordingly. Sun-protective clothing, a long-sleeved shirt and pants, a wide-brimmed hat, and UVA and UVB-blocking sunglasses are particularly helpful in blocking UV radiation's harmful effects.

8°F The warmest month (with the highest average high temperature) is July (81. 1°F). The month with the lowest average high temperature is January (35. 8°F). Average low temperature in January: 26. 4°F The month with the highest average low temperature is July (68. 2°F). The coldest month (with the lowest average low temperature) is January (26. 4°F). [Resources] Average pressure in January Norwalk, CT Average pressure in January: 30. 05" The month with the highest atmospheric pressure is November (30. 09"). The month with the lowest atmospheric pressure is June (29. 93"). [Resources] Average wind speed in January Norwalk, CT Average wind speed in January: 10. 1mph The windiest month (with the highest average wind speed) is January (10. 1mph). The calmest month (with the lowest average wind speed) is July (6. 5mph). [Resources] Average humidity in January Norwalk, CT Average humidity in January: 74% Months with the highest relative humidity are February, May and June (76%). Months with the lowest relative humidity are April and November (72%).

Yr - Norwalk - Weather forecast

Weather reports submitted by any ship (SYNOP) that is close to East Norwalk within an acceptable time window are also included. Read More East Norwalk Weather Photos East Norwalk Location map Place Name 1–3 Day Summary 4–6 Day Summary 7–9 Day Summary 10–12 Day Summary North Stamford 6 km Moderate rain (total 14mm), heaviest on Sun night. Light rain (total 5mm), mostly falling on Mon night. Light rain (total 7mm), mostly falling on Sat afternoon. Light rain (total 8mm), mostly falling on Tue night. Norwalk 13 Port Chester Moderate rain (total 11mm), heaviest on Sun night. Light rain (total 3mm), mostly falling on Mon night. Light rain (total 5mm), mostly falling on Sat afternoon. Westport 17 Moderate rain (total 10mm), heaviest on Sun night. Light rain (total 7mm), mostly falling on Mon night. Light rain (total 5mm), mostly falling on Sat morning. Light rain (total 5mm), mostly falling on Tue night.

weather norwalk ct water temps

Weather norwalk ct water temple

weather norwalk ct water temple

Weather norwalk ct water tempsreel

Swimming in 41. 3°C) is considered life-threatening. Even a few minutes in 55. 4°F (13°C) water is uncomfortable, and swimming below 50°F (10°C) may cause total loss of breathing control and cold shock, depending on a person's physique. How many hours of daylight does Norwalk have in January? The average length of the day in January in Norwalk, Connecticut, is 9. How many hours of sunshine does Norwalk have in January? In Norwalk, Connecticut, the average sunshine in January is 5. What is the month with the lowest UV index in Norwalk? January through March, November and December, with an average maximum UV index of 2, are months with the lowest UV index in Norwalk, Connecticut. How high is the UV index in January in Norwalk? In Norwalk, the average daily maximum UV index in January is 2. A UV Index value of 2, and less, symbolizes a minimal health vulnerability from unsafe exposure to the Sun's UV rays. Average temperature in January Norwalk, CT Average high temperature in January: 35.

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