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Lawson John Deere Hamilton Tx Weather

Thursday Night Mostly Cloudy with a low around 56°F [14°C]. Southwest wind to around 16 mph [26 kph], with wind gusts to near 29 mph [46 kph]. The dewpoint will be near 58°F [14°C] with a humidity of 87% and a barometric pressure around 30. 12 in [1020 mb]. 00 mm]. Friday Mostly Cloudy with a high near 65°F [18°C]. Southwest wind to around 9 mph [15 kph], with wind gusts to near 21 mph [33 kph]. The dewpoint will be near 55°F [15°C] with a humidity of 92% and a barometric pressure around 30. 19 in [1022 mb]. The UVI forecast is 7. 00 mm]. Friday Night Mostly Cloudy with a low around 46°F [8°C]. Southwest wind to around 9 mph [15 kph], with wind gusts to near 18 mph [29 kph]. The dewpoint will be near 59°F [15°C] with a humidity of 83% and a barometric pressure around 30. 25 in [1024 mb]. 00 mm]. Saturday Mostly Sunny with a high near 64°F [18°C]. "NNE" wind to around 2 mph [4 kph], with wind gusts to near 8 mph [12 kph]. The dewpoint will be near 45°F [12°C] with a humidity of 81% and a barometric pressure around 30.

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July 21, 2021